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a term used to describe the making of a sandwich... generally used for lunch

Kid: Mom make me a meep sandwich or I'm gonna punch your fucking eye out of your socket

Mom: You can shove that meep right up your ass if you continue to talk to me like that

Kid: I don't care I hate you and that husband meep of yours

Mom: This sounds like a good time to tell you that you were adopted

by gruening83 November 8, 2018


a general expression

meep meep

by a_random_student_08 April 9, 2024


Ur mum

Ur meep is good in bed

by Mckenzie Lord November 11, 2018


Random, weird, unexpected

That's such a meepes thing to do

by MEEPES July 5, 2022

meep citiful

Meep citiful means your meep citious, which was created my a “imaginary” girl on the playground. she inspired many including Anna, Anna Maria, JJ, McKenzie, Milly, and Katie

The girl was being so meep citiful

by meep city girl August 20, 2022

zinky zoogle zeekybooble meep forp bogos binted

zinky = hey
zoogle = just
zeekybooble = wondering
meep = if you
forp = got/ got the
bogos = photos
binted = printed
photos printed?

"zinky zoogle zeekybooble meep forp bogos binted"
"nah, the printer was down"

by bugquest7281 March 6, 2024

meep citious

It’s a very nice place. It was inspired by a lovely, “imaginary” girl named Meep Girl. She inspired Milly, Anna Maria, Anna, Katie, McKenzie, and JJ to create this dandy word.

Everyone was singing in a meep citious way.

by meepcityious August 20, 2022