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Same DNA, same P in A

When you are unable to date/hookup/start relationships with someone so you resort to doing what was intended with them with their siblings or cousins instead.

“Yo, sucks that Ella won’t date you”
That’s fine bro, I can always date her sister Carrie
“You be pulling one of them same DNA same P in A’s!
“Same DNA, same P in A!”

by EggGod February 25, 2024

Same DNA, same P in A

Dating someone's sibling because you cannot date them for various reasons

"Bro, you can't date Sarah"
"That's fine, I'll just date her sister"
"Same DNA, same P in A! Next best thing!"

by EggGod February 8, 2024


Samee... she is so pretty and very thicccc she is very loyal and always has your back. She loves puppies and babies. Her favorite snack cheez-itz’s. She is a fucking beast in the bed. You need a Samee in your life or else it’ll be boring.

Samee the hecking beast

by Karen568952246969 August 14, 2019


Samee is the term for a guy who is very cool. He's so cool he always wears the signature Blue Steel look.

Wow, Samee is stronger than even Blue Steel.

by HenaHenna May 8, 2021


5"8 Muslim boy who calls eating pizza and burgers bulking

I just ate the biggest meal - Samee
Bro your being a Samee

by rukumale January 13, 2023

Same shit different bitch

“Same shit different bitch” a term coined by Cobey to describe a scenario where a different scenario results in a similar outcome.

I got a new roomba from a different company but it still doesn’t work. Man “same shit different bitch.”

by Correctmf1 November 6, 2024

reading the same book

When two or more people are on the same page about something or talking about the same thing

Are we reading the same book”

by bananajoe August 23, 2020