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Steven universe

A kids show about gay space rocks

Person 1: Steven universe is a great show!

Person 2: wow! I have never seen it!

by GhostCopycat January 27, 2018

123πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Steven Adams

he got kicked in the nuts by a player by the name of draymond green (aka thee nut-cracker) in the 2016 NBA Western Conferance Finals

Steven Adams will never have babies

by fenwantsthenamefen January 1, 2017

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Steven tyler

Singer for Aerosmith, and in my opinion, probably has the largest mouth ever to walk the face of the earth.

He still owns with his voice.

And his songs kick ass.

He made awesome songs such as
Jaded, Dream on, Walk This Way, Sweet Emotion, Dude(looks like a lady), Janie's got a gun, and many many many many others...awesome awesome writer and singer.
Steven tyler owns.

by jman shizzle October 20, 2005

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Steven Universe

A kids show about a 14 year old boy, who is half human, half gem. He also has no neck. He lives with 3 ( technically 4 ) space aliens named Garnet, Amethyst, and Pearl. Garnet is 2 gay gems combined. Amethyst is an earthling. Pearl is gay for Steven’s dead mom. Steven’s dead mom Rose Quartz is actually Pink Diamond, one of the leaders of the gems. Also they recently made a movie where Steven has a neck. Easily the best show on CN

Steven Universe is the best show on Cartoon Network

by INNITSTARS October 13, 2019

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Steven Wright

A stand up comedian from Cambridge, Massachusetts. e is known for his dry, deadpan style, and acts in a rather depressing way. He cites his main influences as Richard Pryor and George Carlin. He has influences comedians ranging from Jimmy Carr to Demtri Martin. Steven wears a Boston Redsox hat wherever he goes. His big break came when he was the comedy guest for The Tonight Show With Johnny Carson. Since then, he has had numerous HBO specials, and frequently appears on The Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson.

Guy 1: Did you catch Steven Wright on Craig Fersuson last night?
Guy 2: Of course i did! i always love his surprise drop by's.

by poppolo June 28, 2010

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samuel stevens

The coolest guy in the world. If you ever see him, say hi and give him 1000000000 dollars. He has a big one and loves girls.


by samuelstevens69@gmail.com May 4, 2023

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Jada stevens

Loves to sit in Dominic’s face and make him cum she’s the best at dick riding Dominic they have the best sex ever

Dominic is going to end up getting that Jada stevens chick pregnant

by Dick chin uppercut July 10, 2023