When a tater tot is dropped down ones bra
I dropped a tater tot in my bra
It’s a Titty tot now!
All of these Tot’s trying to oppress the rest of us. We just want to live and be free. They’re all Nazis.
Dafuq y'all on about? TOTS = 'Team Of The Season' you idiots. Usually released around the end of April.
John Johnson: Hey have the tots dropped yet?
Kevin Kevinson: Not yet. I heard it'd be out at 7 tonight.
John Johnson: Man I can't wait to spend all those FIFA points on shitty packs!
Kevin Kevinson: L0L ikr? EAids are gonna be RICH.
efans may be referred to as a lil teletubby tillie tator totter.
a word used to describe a person or thing.
wow that tot at the mall was lookin' fine asf.