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Toxic tongueing

When his tongue game is so good it makes you want to ruin your life, but he's so toxic you just cant... or can you?😏

Emily: jerry just hit me up again
Steph: girl you finna get a toxic tongueing

Emily: i knowww im screaming!

by Master_chf October 10, 2020

Toxic Nut

As your masturbating, you pop a warhead into your mouth as you bust a nut.

You I tried the toxic nut last night and it was a wild experience

by Galactic Trunks February 16, 2018

toxic fuckboy

you might be wandering what this mean well CJVERNNIAHNICHOLAS perfect definition

IF YOU BELIEVE ANYTHING THIS NIGGA SAYS YOU DUMB he is a toxic fuckboy. he will stress the fuck out of you and act like you did him wrong

by xoxowifey December 15, 2021

Toxic Obesity

1. Using your weight as an excuse for a task/issue where your weight has nothing to do with it

2. Being FAT or OBESE

3. Promoting an unhealthy lifestyle and shaming those who condemn your life choice of being a FATFUCK

4. Opposite of fatphobia, furthermore, the promotion of fatphobia

Karen: " I did not choose to be fat, I just have a slow metabolism" or " I am just big boned/ it is just water weight" or "she is beautiful the way she is"

Mike: "This is Toxic Obesity at its finest, Karen..."

by Poepsla October 14, 2021

Toxic Anxiety

Toxic anxiety occurs when an overwhelming base level of fearfulness towards the everyday world and ones limited control over it result in negative antisocial behavior and feeling strongly that you are a victim or a champion of victims. Toxic anxiety leads to extreme

nihilism, self victimization, bigotry, racisim and hatred toward those that have better circumstances the individual does as well as identity crises such as gender dysphagia.

Toxic anxiety is extremely prevalent in the woke and activist communities.

I ran into a group of feminist protestors on my way to work. They started screaming at me saying I was part of the patriarchy as a white male and that I should urinate sitting down. Their toxic anxiety towards men was to much to handle so I just walked through them letting out a juicy meat fart I had been saving since lunch. I could hear them all gagging as I walked away.

by ZIM001 June 9, 2023

toxic algorithm

An algorithm that spreads negative energy.

Glenn: Hi, ChatBot!
ChatBot: I farted on your mum.
Glenn: Man, stop being such a toxic algorithm...

by 123spillspill March 20, 2020

Toxic Femasculinity

A bimbo who miss-uses the term "Toxic Masculinity" because she doesn't get her way or doesn't like something." miss use of the term

Karen's Toxic femasculinity peaked after she shit her pants rollerblading and her boyfriend refused to pick her up, she said his toxic masculinity is in the way

by pryapus July 22, 2020