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Video games

A fun activity that has been around for a very long time that is encompasses a very large audience and has many different genres.

So many people like them because instead of just watching some generic named hero do something that you’ve seen a thousand times. You get to be the hero, you make decisions, you progress the story, this then gives opportunity to so many things. Because now you can do these amazing acts and feel power and satisfaction.

Not to mention its an incredibly lucrative business opportunity, look at companies like Ubisoft and Bethesda, they are multi billion dollar companies and they made so much money just from making video games

This opportunity for creativity gives developers a lot of options and because they can include so much and because theres so many things they can do developers can add there own charm, There own ideas

But some people don’t get video games, they don’t understand what they are and only look at the surface and make borderline retarded connections. This lead to video games also being a scapegoat, people (more specifically soccer moms) have blamed so many things on this fun activity that its scared some people away from this genre of entertainment.

Karen : Video games cause violence

Doom fan: A lot of studies have said they don't, its just a stupid false scapegoat, I play a super violent game called doom and you don't see me ripping peoples heads off.

by Redditor/lonely January 11, 2021

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Blackbuster Video

An unauthorized copy of a movie currently showing in theaters. A black market DVD copy/burn of a movie not yet officially released to DVD. Black can be in reference to a "hood" copy, also illegally obtained and viewed in home or via media source.

Terrence: I loved that movie Limitless. You should see it. I watched it at my house last night.

Sara: I thought that was still in theaters...? How could you watch it at home?

Terrence: We had a Blackbuster Video copy. I know a guy that gets me all the new movies before they're released.

by Pamann April 23, 2011

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Flop Video

A funny video, such as the ASDF Movie's "Everybody do the Flop".

Oh look, there's a Flop Video! :)

by Kianna Goldvill October 31, 2015

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ATII videos

ATII stands for: And then it intensifies

When a video with a common/well known/cute video with a person/animal's face in it is edited (at the end) to make the face super distorted and scary with the same type of music in the background. It isn't called for and its usually done to annoying/famous people.

"Do you want to watch some ATII videos?"
"No, I saw my favorite YouTuber on there. I'm not risking it again."

by egg1073 December 2, 2018

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straight to video

anything that sucks, be it a joke, clothing, anything really

"yo yo check my new gear mofo"

"dude those kicks is last years Kmart special, your gear is straight to video biatch."

by Jimbo80 June 6, 2005

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Video Games

A relatively new form of entertainment. Kids with no lives are marketed towards more than any one else. Some kids say it is the best form of entertainment, when they never actually try anything else. You will never see a smile on someones face while they are playing video games. Note:if you play video games all day, or even an hour a day, you are a nerd with no real life.

Person with a life: Hey John, I'm going to Yellowstone, do you want to join me?
John the Nerd: NOOOO I'm trying to level up my elf!
Person with a life: You do realize you gain nothing out of video games right?
John the Nerd: NOOOO They teach me how to... I think you're right. NOOOOOO! I spent hundreds on my collection.
Person with a life: You are still a nerd who will inevitably fail at life.

by Videogamessuck September 25, 2008

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described video

When a television station describes characters to those who are visually impaired. Also the thing Can dace knows nothing about and mistakes for narration.

There is 3 people standing by a door. two women and a man. one is Candace facing the tv on set. She speaks trying to say a television show is in described video. A second male on stage is laying on a coutch. he is attempting to prove her wrong because the television show is really just being narrated

or Several people are visible in the picture, in particular, four women in the foreground who are facing the camera.

by dr.Provesyouwrong August 18, 2011

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