What I ride
Me: Ugh ugh ugh
john: What the actuals fuck Edward!? Riding a bike without a seat? faggot
Like our most trusted confidante, the person who knows you best, there are certain pieces of clothing or accessories that you turn to over and over again because they inexplicably tell the story of who you are. No matter what new modern piece you’re experimenting with, the WOFs are the items that, without fail, will still keep you grounded. Yourself. They are the narrative thread that connects the dots between your HTH and I&O pieces. Without them, you can feel rudderless.
Person 1: These joggers have never failed me. I wear them all the time and feel confident in them.
Person 2: Would you go as far as to call them a WOF (Without Fails)?
Person 1: Absolutely I would.
Half of the tea w/o spilling everything.
Winemiller #1: I GOT DA TEA!!!!!
Winemiller #2:GUUUURRRLLLL! TELL ME!!!!!!
Winemiller #1: I only tell u half da tea. Tea without da Suga.
A individual without a father.
Rylan's dad left her at a left age because his dad hated her mother, this left him without a father.
This word doesnt have the words s##t, f##k, b####h, a##, etc.
Me: I have the the only word without a badword/sexual content!
UrbDic: Ima end this man's whole career
a band. an amazing band. their music is as yet undefined. but it truly is mind blowing.
i listened to some "peasants without ponies" last night. jeez it was good.