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OpenAI would not be what it is today without Hym

You spelled that wrong news article... Lady? I didn't read the name... It's got a "Y" in it.

Hym "OpenAI would not be what it is today without HYM... It's HYM with a 'Y,' yeah? Like the type of song."

by Hym Iam May 15, 2024

I CANT Go 1 day without โ€œC.aiโ€

A sentence used by @bloomsolosyourfav on tiktok, otherwise known as "๐Ÿค" with a white, blank profile picture.

This comment was used on a video made by @ivxzquz, also on tiktok, that was a video of someone roaming around their kitchen waiting for popcorn to cook. Text was overlayed on the video, "Name one word yall can't go a day without saying ๐Ÿ’€".

bloomsolosyourfav: I CANT Go 1 day without โ€œC.aiโ€!!
The 292 people replying: What the fuck

by slideshow services December 1, 2023

I CANT Go 1 day without โ€œC.aiโ€

A statement used by user @bloomsolosyourfav on tiktok, otherwise known as the average chronically online person that does nothing but artificial intelligence bots to cope when they are neglected by their family.

This term was first used in a comment section on a Tiktok video by @ivxzquz. The video displayed a person roaming around their kitchen waiting for popcorn to cook, with the following text overlayed on top: "Name a word yall can't go a day without saying ๐Ÿ’€"

some person:I CANT Go 1 day without โ€œC.aiโ€!!
sone other person:Dude what.

by slideshow services December 1, 2023

I CANT Go 1 day without โ€œC.aiโ€

A statement used by user @bloomsolosyourfav on tiktok, otherwise known as the average chronically online person that does nothing but artificial intelligence bots to cope when they are neglected by their family.

This term was first used in a comment section on a Tiktok video by @ivxzquz. The video displayed a person roaming around their kitchen waiting for popcorn to cook, with the following text overlayed on top: "Name a word yall can't go a day without saying ๐Ÿ’€"

some person:I CANT Go 1 day without โ€œC.aiโ€!!
sone other person:Dude what.

by slideshow services December 1, 2023

Tea without da Suga

Half of the tea w/o spilling everything.

Winemiller #1: I GOT DA TEA!!!!!
Winemiller #2:GUUUURRRLLLL! TELL ME!!!!!!
Winemiller #1: I only tell u half da tea. Tea without da Suga.

by LightskinAsian April 19, 2019

without kinship

1- Ascendants and collateral relatives of spouses of collateral relatives.
2- Ascendants and collateral relatives of spouses of descendants, only with the exception of the child's parent-in-law who is the co-parent-in-law.
3- It's nothing in matters of kinship.

My pibling's parent-in-law it's nothing mine, that is, without kinship.

by KMW2697 June 28, 2021

without kinship

1- Collateral relative's spouse's lineal ascendant.
2- Collateral relative's spouse's collateral relative.
3- Lineal descendant's spouse's lineal ascendant (except for the children's parents-in-laws who are the co-parents-in-laws.).
4- Lineal descendant's spouse's collateral relative.
5- Spouse's collateral relative's spouse's lineal ascendant.
6- Spouse's collateral relative's spouse's collateral relative.
7- Collateral relative's spouse's collateral relative's spouse.
8- Spouse's collateral relative's spouse's collateral relative's spouse.
9- Lineal descendant's spouse's collateral relative's spouse.
10- Family member's lover.
11- Lover's family members.
12- Biological relative's widower (non-biological)'s new spouse.
13- Spouse's biological relative's widower (non-biological)'s new spouse.

Without kinship.

by ZORB3824 January 16, 2022