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crow bummer

Colloquial term for a Goth. So named because of their tendency to "bum crows".

I went to see Bauhaus and I couldn;t move for crowbummers.

by Tony Mosserelli October 4, 2004

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Crows Nest

When a guy or girl has a shit ton of pubes and it comes out of there pants.

Man look at stacy shes such a whore, look her crows nest is hanging out!

by OverLord L June 5, 2011

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Russell Crowe

A potentially lethal alcoholic concoction. The recipe is easy, yet entirely idiotic and unhealthy. After drinking your favorite flavor of Four Loko about a fourth of the way, simply add a shot of tequila and a 5-Hour Energy to the can and mix well. Once you get past the awful taste and constant desire to vomit, this drink will have you yelling aggressively, punching out paparazzi, and throwing telephones at hotel workers, just like the actor Russell Crowe. Drink at your own risk.

Eduardo just shotgunned a Russell Crowe! What a fuckin' animal!

by TheloniousRex November 15, 2010

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russell crowe

A mentally deficient australian actor more widely known for picking fights everywhere he goes than his acting. A scrouder. Was born in New Zealand but officially disowned by the general public and sent to Australia.

Russell Crowe is a scrouter.

What?! Since when was Russell Crowe considered a heart throb? He's such a scrouder!

by The Nefarious Alex July 24, 2005

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Russel Crowe

A yobo but a top bloke nonetheless because he likes to sink piss and run amok.

Russel Crowe may be a yobo, but he'd kick your arse 'cause you're a whiny little bitch and he's a hard-arse. Get me a phone to throw at this knob-toucher.

Russel Crowe in Romper Stomper is one bad-arse mother fucker.

by King Ink February 28, 2006

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Sheryl Crow

One who defines themselves by taking a contrarian view on political issues, even if it is an assanine view.

Sheryl Crow is a Saddam Hussein loving ditz.

by reality_bites78 September 9, 2004

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Eat Crow

Used as an insult to call somebody poor or meaningless Eat Crown representing as a poor person's last resort to food or hillbillys eating crows.


by humanlego April 21, 2021

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