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A term made famous by Papi Ca$tro. Meaning somebody is extremely high, past the state of geeking or so high they might shit their pants.

Pass the blunt I want to get zooted.

Damn I shat my pants I’m definitely zooted.

by KillPapiCa$tro October 6, 2019


To be so high and fcked up that you are beyond existence itself. Your capabilities of being human have disappeared and you are in a whole nother lvl my friend. Dont try to have a conversation cause you wont be able to, words wont come out and you only will be babbling.

man im zooted afff

by FckingBubba August 12, 2022

Zaza zooted

When youre high as balls

“Bro I was so zaza zooted last night, but I can’t really remember!”

by Kahtir:) December 9, 2023


To smoke weed after smoking weed.

Let's get re-zooted, my high is fleeting

by Ladysommers June 10, 2023

Zooted (Slang)

When a person or group of people are stoned; or high on weed intake.

Person 1: Dang bro, You look Zooted (slang).
Person 2: Thanks

by Laym January 24, 2025

Zoot closet

The place you reach when you are so astronomically fucked up that you reach a new dimension of faded. All control has been long since lost. Usually results in catastrophic events.

"Man Luke was so turnt last night, I don't what the hell he was speaking on. Nigga was in the Zoot closet! "

by warreng4real June 16, 2015