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penis sucking child molester

someone who is attracted to little kids for example "the sign goes that way.To penis sucking child molester!

John:hey smelly nigger get up! The cotton needs to be picked.
Nigger Jamal: where am I

John: nigger it's a part owned by KKK it's penis sucking child molester

by Isuckpussy๐Ÿผ August 15, 2023

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Captain Suck

My OC, who is looking for ways to break da law

Captain Suck sucks, he stole shit from my room

by PhoneGuyYT February 27, 2025

Sudden Suck Syndrome

When you're doing great in a game but for no good reason you start doing dog shit.

Person 1: Bro you were doing so good last game what happened?

Person 2: I don't know I guess I have sudden suck syndrome.

by KGB-Putin September 7, 2019

Wrestle suck

The act of wrestling someone, aiming for your mouth on his manhood.

Last night, I wrestle sucked this guy. It ended up pretty good.

by LilBrown March 19, 2017

Welcome to the suck

Welcome to the suck is a slang phrase used to welcome people to an unpleasant place that makes you want to blow your brains out. For example, your room full of semen stains and old pizza boxes or open.mp Discord Server, or you mother's kitchen.

Person 1: Welcome to the suck! The open.mp Discord Server.
Person 2: Fuck off, bitch.

by jennyjohn465465465fucky December 2, 2023

Suck job

When someone orally penetrates your penis.

Maria, did you do a suck job last night?

by mynamesuckslol March 18, 2019

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Suck it

Basically saying โ€œtake thatโ€ or โ€œdeal with itโ€ but better

I didnโ€™t do the dishes so suck it!

by Afkghhsudbslskdhd size April 5, 2022