A synonym of the word 'mean', originally as a misspelling of it posted on Twitter by Kayla (@KaylaArtwork)
I don't bean to braaaaaaag but now i can say I drew a portion of a Brooke Valley panel with this BUSH! LIKE LOOK AT THAT BUSH
The nubs on an animal paw/foot, gusually used when talking about fursuits.
Person 1: Woahh, look at em’ beans!!
Person 2 (wearing fursuit paws) I know, right?? My maker is so good at making these things!
The dumbest thing you could ever call someone. If you’ve ever called someone bean you deserve the death penalty and to die the slowest most painful death possible. You deserve even worse if it’s used to talk about a significant other or a guy/girl best friend.
Bean guess what just happened. Hey bean hows it going?
a persons head in a video game
Dude I’m gonna shoot you right in the bean
A guy who never gets enough credit for something he helped with.
In that science project I guess I was a Bean.
Also known as Colin, is usually a red-head that all the ladies fall for. If you are looking for a date this is the man to go to. He is stronger then Chuck Norris and is best friends with the one and only Jesus Christ. If you have any questions about grammar don’t ask Beans, he’s a math type of dude.
Girl 1: Man this math homework is pretty hard
Jesus Christ: you should ask Beans
Girl 1: you mean the hot guy with red hair
Girl 2: what if I need help on grammar, Will he help?
Jesus Christ: Hell na sista!!!!!!