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Kill one man and you are a murderer; Kill them all and you are a god…

I don’t know. I heard this from a show and this shit is menacing. I’m guessing it means for horrible people that if you are a mass murderer, you are loyal to thousands of evil and masterminded beings. I don’t really know honestly lol.

When you kill somebody, just remember, “Kill one man and you are a murderer; Kill them all and you are a god….”

by Chaotic3546 October 12, 2023

All the definitions on Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you.

Please review Urban Dictionary's content guidelines before writing your definition. Here's the short version: Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal information.

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Person 1: All the definitions on Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you.

Person 2: Haha xD lol me too

by That guy said I was lesbian November 16, 2020

Time to chew some ass and kick some bubble gum, And they are all out of bubble gum!

The ultimate way to intimidate your opponent. Unlike the wimpish form of this phrase, chewing ass is far more fearsome than beating it.

Fighter 1 - Time to chew some ass and kick some bubble gum, and they are all out of bubble gum!
Fighter 2's inner thoughts - "NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPEDY NOPE NOPE"

by Grand Priest of Cults July 17, 2019

Its all pudding

Meaning everything is alright, like the warm feeling you get from eating said pudding. Similar to the 90's "Its all good" or "Its all gravy". (pudding however being much more delicious than gravy)

Its all pudding 'till a tube of meat comes flying at you. -Mike Rowe

"Dude, sorry I totaled your car." " I had full coverage man, its aaaallll pudding."

by Seethella October 11, 2009

All Cock

When you make a gutsy decision and pull it off flawlessly

Caddy Jim tells golfer Ben to lay up, golfer Ben ignores caddy Jim and knocks it to 5 feet, caddy Jim exclaims "All Cock"

by Realdefinitions99 April 1, 2019

All roads lead to you

When you try so hard to get rid of someone, but you always end up going back to them.

Person 1: "Why did you get back with me? Why not someone else?"

Person 2: "I don't know. I tried to get rid of you, but it seems like all roads lead to you."

by cruevhs February 16, 2024

greatest rapper of all time

Carti is the best at not only rapping, but music in its entirety. There has never been anyone as versatile as Carti. I’m grateful to be living during the same time as Carti. He’s the closest thing to God on Earth. I’ll die for this man.

the greatest rapper of all time is playboi carti

by cartislover April 11, 2024