When you premature ejaculate after less than 30 seconds of action.Also can be used as a measure if time, of no more than30 seconds.
Fuck J Sherm!
Underrated lyricist, audio engineer, entrepreneur, car enthusiast.
J-Rain is the truth
A short red haired man that drives a s10 and skips leg day
J coupe isn’t here his hair is on fire
when responding quickly in texting, the texter might respond "K" instead of typing out ok or okay... but will accidentally hit the "J" key instead of "K"...
"j is the new k" is like when referring to fashion and trends... "pink is the new red" "grey is the new black" or when someone gets a new boyfriend, "dave is the new john"
1👍 4👎
Julian and Alyana=best couple ever
Alyana: Me.
When a woman is on her period and has a poopy butt and you’re having mad sex and bust the vagina and butthole barrier and make a fried pb&j
Got so fucked up with Sarah last night we had a fried pb&j and had to go to the 24 emergency care center
a creature of the troll species he typically stalks facebook for unexpecting dumb bitch victims and then pounces on teh smallest thing very quickly very sneaky with secret accounts you will never even know he is there
a byon of the j a troll of ledgend