Words intended to manipulate readers.
WORD COURT Prosecutor Makes a Book Reviewer's "Manipulatives" Bold and Underlined
Use this when you dgaf about what some lame ass nigga is saying.
Tom: I like tacos
Jamarcus: damn word?
A majestic item that can be used only once to do anything, and it can only be gived to you by black people.
Yo, thanks for the N-Word Pass my -n word-
Your welcome, now give it back to me.
A trend in the Catholic school of Angono or Angono Catholic College (ACC)
To know our secret pm me the word bread my messenger name is Sheen Afable
This trend comes from a 6th grader who spreaded it to two schools
Highway Hills Integraded School (HHIS) and Angono Catholic Collage (ACC)
Pm me the word bread for a special price
Tbh u Csn keep everything else I just need the words love addict
Tbh u Csn keep everything else I just need the words love addict
The Word That Makes You Racist If You Say it And Can't Say Because That's Racist.
Person 1: I'm Gonna Say The N Word!
Person 1: N---- *ded*
N-Word is used to racistically say "Black Person". Was used in 19th century in USA because of slavery and racism. Today it´s used by racists or "Edge Lords".
1-Racist Swearing
2-Used by an Edge Lord(Not being racist, just sarcastic)
1-You are such an N-Word!
2-You stupid N-Word!