A group of friends with enormously huge penisses and great ,,personalities”
Gruppe 1 is like the Backstreet Boys but cooler
a very funny tik toker with a lot of followers. though, they should post more often
person 1"hey."
person 2"what?"
person 1"who's that tik toker that has the mello pfp?"
person 2"oh, thats @1.w1n, she is very funny, but i wish they would post more often."
When youre so bored that you take a typewriter and punch in the keys according to mechanism order from right to left
=#2/1/-;p.0lo,9kim8jun7hyb6gtv5frc4dex3swz2aqz1 im bored
Two girls named Ellie and Mia dancing on tik tok together and are nestelst of friends!
Besties.m.e.1 are amazing tiktokers