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live a little

to live life at its fullest. goin g full send.

"yeah nah send it on that weeb keyset, i like sublegends, live a little lol"

- jim of the permz

by NotTaeKeyboards August 10, 2022

little league legend

The worst human beings on the planet. The scum of the Earth

Little League Legends are baseball players who suck in travel ball and high school but they were only “good in” little league.

These are the people who the coaches had to put in the game because “everyone plays”

“wow that kid sucks...that’s a little league legend right there.”

by I hate little league legends April 6, 2018

Little gay Godfrey

An elderly homosexual gentleman.

That auld fella by the swings was a right Little gay Godfrey.

by Bayesoir November 25, 2023

Little miss at my fucking breaking point

That one little miss i got as a result in a uquiz and the desc fit me perfectly. If you searched this it probably suits you too. This result made me spiral so be careful my lovely

“Your result is: little miss at my fucking breaking point

by BuzzBuzzBitches August 2, 2022

lovely little love

A weird name my cousin thinks is "cute" and also a name in the book.

Hey lovely little love!

by IMACOOKIEMFS September 4, 2017

Little Ferry

A very small town in New jersey, almost every hurricane causes it to flood

Little ferry is so wet, more wet that my underpants

by FlabbyPancakeSause March 29, 2023


A rude name Larley uses.

Hey Little-Miss-Johnny-Mary.

by ThisIsNotJP August 23, 2019