To make someone acknowledge that you don’t want to talk to them or you don’t like them
Eww you kissed Darren
**raises middle finger**
What does this (🖕🏽) MEAN?
1): It's a hand gesture Sign telling people/haters to Fuck Off.
2): Flipping the bird gesture is another way of telling others something like"Fuck You" or "Fuck you b****. In a funny/rude way. (I only flip the bird bc I use it in a funny way).
3): The Middle Finger Hand Gesture is another way of a telling your girlfriend/boyfriend that you want to stick your finger in your girlfriends ass and start rubbing (Example: Boyfriend texts his crush invites her to his bedroom for a night adventure and his crush shows up and takes off her shirt, shoes, jeans, bra & underwear and the boyfriend Flips the middle finger so he can plug it in his crushes ASS and starts to rub her cheeks and his crush starts moaning.) The middle finger gesture can be used in porn hub when your trying to watch porn,, you'll also see guys fingerings girls with the 🖕🏻🍑 the middle finger.
0% Drugs
20% Girls
20% Sexual
0% Violent
0% Positive
100% Negative
13% Funny
0% Romance
0% Gore & Horror
0% Exciting
0% Emotion
70% Gesture, Sign Language & Others
200% Middle Finger
Control Advisory.
0% Drugs
20% Girls
20% Sexual
0% Violent
0% Positive
100% Negative
13% Funny
0% Romance
0% Gore & Horror
0% Exciting
0% Emotion
70% Gesture, Sign Language & Others
200% Middle Finger
Examples & More
Ty: Hey Jordan, guess what?
Jordan: Chicken.
Ty Flips Off The Middle Finger At Jordan 🖕🏼
Both Jordan and Ty Cackling
Jordan: Heheheha.
Ty: Heheheha
the finger next to the forefinger.
"he clicked his thumb and middle finger"
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………../….//………… ….\\….\
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.././…/…./…./.|_……_| .\….\….\…\.\..
(.(….(….(…./.)..)..(..(. \….)….)….).)
.\…………….\/…/….\. ..\/……………./
..\…………….. /……..\………………/
….\…………..(………. ..)……………./
……\………….\……… ../…………./
i dont give a shit "pulls up both middle fingers"
The term "Middle Finger" is when you point you Middle finger up in the air while the other fingers is pointing to the ground. the hand gesture "Middle Finger" was first used by the kings of great Britain, it was used by the king to show his love to his people. But in modern days the hand gesture is used by almost all countries, its commonly used in relationships but also a way to say hi when you meat someone. the "Middle Finger" is a sign of love and shall stay that way.
person one: i love you (shows middle finger)
person two: i love you more (shows both middle fingers)
The finger in between your pointing and ring finger, i don't know why you searched this, you should probably know what a middle finger is by now but whatever.
Don't stick up your f@#$ing middle finger again Tommy!