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Synonym of shit, it’s less vulgar and can be used around your parents ;)

-Oh piss, My man looking cozy as fuck in those new Ralphs.

by A Pretty Motherfucker June 24, 2019


Something that tfue drinks.

Guy 1: what ya drinking tfue
Tfue: just some piss

by Bigboio February 13, 2019


Something that tfue drinks.

Guy 1: what ya drinking tfue
Tfue: just some piss

by Bigboio February 13, 2019


PISS comes out of ur pee hole tube

hey guys he just Piss

by August 10, 2023


a great drink :)

Person 1: Have you ever had this yellow liquid?
Person 2: No person 1 what is this drink?
Person 1: It’s piss Jerry. Also stop calling me person 1.
Jerry: *drinks piss* MMMMMM
So remember kids is a man offers you piss always say yes (unless it’s green)

by Julsuple May 3, 2022


Some warm yellow water what comes out of your organs and it’s very watery and it can be turned into slime it’s very aesthetic to use for your vids

you : I love piss

by alloftheseusernamesaretakenomb May 19, 2021


the opposite of shit

piss baby

by tipschip April 20, 2022