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a word that is mainly used by people named kylie, types “rat” with the a capitalized.

rAt rAt rAt !!1!2

by footfetish302 March 14, 2018


Normally a rodent that was introduced throughout the world by Europeans but it can also be used to describe a kid that tried to grow out a mullet and failed causing him to look like a rat. They also normally have weird teeth and high pitches voices

1. Yo Brooks! You look like a fucking rat!!!!
2. Get that rat outta here!

by LGBTQ+ Community December 9, 2019


A rat is a person who lies and messes around while they're dating you. If you're dating a rat, you might as well just date Jeffery Dahmer.

Dang, she's getting played by the rat!

by elizaaaaaaaaaaaaa January 27, 2023



yoooo he a rat he doin a 6ix9ine

by Zynxx November 4, 2019


Rats ( Running Around Telling Shit).

See those guys over there?


They're rats, they snitched on the whole football team!

by Domingo Dean December 21, 2018


Gavin Joseph McDermott

Gavin is a rat

by Skiddo27 January 28, 2020


In a context of gaming, someone who camps in very sneaky spots that people would commonly overlook, or uses glitched spots that provide an unfair advantage.

*Player 1 hiding in a hidden corner in an FPS game*
*Player 2 runs past him and gets killed*
Player 2: man what a little rat that guy was camping in that corner!

by StashyFrag October 7, 2023