A misperception of the amount of time passed in someone else's company. Typically, the time dilation is by a factor of 3, however, it may be less with less intense feelings.
Guy: WHAT its already 3 oclock? We've been been together for three hours already?? Its only felt like one.
Girl: Wow, we are awesome. We just validated the Wise-Parker Rule of Three!
The Turkish rule dictates that it is not gay (or at the very least it's less gay) to "Top" another man than to receive this comes from the notion of passive gay men being rejected from Turkey's military. This term is commonly used in south Texas .
"I'm still straight I applied the Turkish rule."
Like a line that has gaps in it and it's your job to find them.
Worker: dude it's the company rules, you gotta follow them.
Dude: but there isn't any sign up that said I couldn't shoot my gun around.
Worker: dude you're going to hurt someone I'm calling the cops.
Dude: bro why you gotta do me like that,it's not like I'm gonna hit anyone.
overrated shit that parents and techers expect u 2 obey
person 1: wanna play video games?
person 2: sry i cant, my parents made it a rule
person 1: what the fuck, rules r shit
Rules are meant to be broken
These rules are actually dumb and imma do my own thing
rules are made to be broken. nothing else. that's why rules were made. no other reason and if you think so just know that ur mom can't say no, that's why she had you :)
''rules are made to be followed''
*slaps the thing*
''thank you next''