A dictionary that the community write's, often with words that are used as joke's or something that the real dictionary does not contain
'Hey insert friend, what does "pog" mean?'
"I dont know, ill use the Urban Dictionary to look it up!"
a piece of absolute mastery where you can look up all the wonderful things that your hornyness comands
urban dictionary: an online catastrophe
it has all of the definitions of life and words. anything that you search up in the search bar you will find the definition of
urban dictionary is a way of finding a definition to any word.
A stupid website that says “We’ll reject inside jokes and definitions naming non-celebrities” but allows dumb definitions and rejects normal definitions.
Me: What the fuck, Urban Dictionary allows dumbass definitions like ‘ur mum gay’ but doesn’t allow normal words like ‘potato’ with normal definitions. If THIS definition gets declined, I won’t be suprised. But if it DOES get accepted, here’s some proof that Urban DICKtionary is a stupid-ass retard that accepts shit.
60 % sex definitions, 20 % made up words,
10 % haha funny internet word and 0% real words
"I love to browse Urban Dictionary to look at funny definitions"
The site you're currently on. It's a custom dictionary that people use to give custom words their own definitions.
Urban Dictionary is a useful site to use.
A shit version of Wikipedia is the Urban Dictionary, as there is way less words and all the lazy people are on Urban Dictionary
Oh Mom! Have you heard of the Urban Dictionary!