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maki pulse bomb

In the popular game overwatch, a maki pulse bomb is when you use your ultimate "pulse bomb" on the hero tracer and despite all odds the pulse bomb nets you a double to a triple kill even if it seems like it should have hit nothing.

maki is an overwatch streamer known as "tsunderoll_", they are best known for their twitch and for their ability to hit the aforementioned "maki pulse bomb"

kevster hit a nasty maki pulse bomb on the backline of the outlaws.

by meowki July 18, 2022

Bangladesh Biscuit Bomb

When a man fucks his love in the butt, releases said sperm in her anal cavity, smacks both bit cheeks together while it flows out, creates a cum explosion, then proceeds to antique her from behind.

You know I love you because you’ve just been Bangladesh Biscuit Bombed.

by ihad2 August 24, 2021

Laying Pipe Bombs

The act of putting gun powder into ones vagina or anal cavity and inserting a lit match into you're urethrae.

Quantarius Diggle Shart: " Bowqueequee and I were laying Pipe bombs last night ".

Jasmine Naggle Daggle: " Wow, that must of painted the walls red ".

by PussySlayerDragon12 April 24, 2023

Cleveland Nostril Bomb

A Cleveland Nostril Bomb is comprised of several alcoholic beverages, and may take up to 30 minutes to complete. The person attempting a Cleveland Nostril Bomb will often times become more intoxicated as the challenge goes on.
1. A person will drink a mason jar of moonshine
2. The same person will eat 3 slices of cheese pizza
3. Eat an entire lemon, and wash it down with either hard iced tea or hard lemonade.
4. (This is where it gets it's name.) Drink two shots of Jack Daniels through their nose, this may be with a straw.
5. Have an associate or friend slap them across the face to congratulate them for completing a Cleveland Nostril Bomb.

The Cleveland Nostril Bomb may inflict serious injury on a person who attempts it.

"Aw man, my nose burns like hell and I'm hungover as shit. What the fuck did I do last night?"

"You did a whole Cleveland Nostril Bomb in 13 minutes, dude!"


by Large Condiment July 9, 2017

boogie-bomb kiss

when you queue up Good Day by TIKO directly after a silent audio on spotify, then you put the phone on the other side of the room with FULL volume, and you mentally time how much is left of the silent audio so that right before it's over you give your girl a big ol' smooch right on the mouth, and then GOOD DAY by TIKO comes on, then you Bunga

Isaac: Imma boogie-bomb kiss her in the Mary Spouse common

by BriggsBriggs May 7, 2022

high altitude bombing

The act of standing on top of a bathroom stall and releasing the contents of your colon into the toilet below.

Bro 1- Dude I was high altitude bombing last night when the stall smashed and I fell into the toilet
Bro 2- Suh dude that's lit

by Trill 1ron June 1, 2016

Tijuana Cherry Bomb

You place hot sauce on the tip of your penis and perform vaginal intercourse.

Sue could have sworn she exploded when Bobby gave her a Tijuana Cherry Bomb.

by Tijuana Typhoon November 10, 2013