A derogatory term used by millennials to refer to those more successful than themselves.
That dude in the Porsche is such a douche. And get a load of that skank with him!
To douche - in the UK - is the act of rinsing the rectum with intent to clean it, typically by homosexual men and in preparation for anal sex
Excuse me, let me just go and douche!
VERB: To Douche. The act of being a douchy, or douching somebody out.
Mary: Hey Bob, we missed you at the party last night!
Bob: Yeah, John was supposed to pick me up, but he douched me out.
Bob Texting John: "hey man, you picking me up for the party or what?"
1 hour passes...
Bob Texting John: "Dude, you totally douched me... ya fuck'n asshole."
more silence from John...
someone who gets a slap in the face from a hand that touched a wet ass
A person that thinks everyone else is lower than themselves and is just a giant asshole
Stop fucking being a douche dude
A douche is a trustee of a family estate who says he's going to file a "stolen property" police report on his sister and brother-in-law for picking up their 80-year-old mother for a fancy birthday dinner in a restaurant.
The douche locked his 17-year-old pregnant niece out of his mother's house in the middle of the night.
The douche decided to charge rent on the paintings hanging on his mother's walls.