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A derogatory term used by millennials to refer to those more successful than themselves.

That dude in the Porsche is such a douche. And get a load of that skank with him!

by thepainfultruth July 28, 2015


A shower of water.

I had a douche yesterday.

by bruh sound effect #4 August 20, 2018


To douche - in the UK - is the act of rinsing the rectum with intent to clean it, typically by homosexual men and in preparation for anal sex

Excuse me, let me just go and douche!

by And. July 19, 2018


VERB: To Douche. The act of being a douchy, or douching somebody out.

Mary: Hey Bob, we missed you at the party last night!
Bob: Yeah, John was supposed to pick me up, but he douched me out.

Bob Texting John: "hey man, you picking me up for the party or what?"
1 hour passes...
Bob Texting John: "Dude, you totally douched me... ya fuck'n asshole."
more silence from John...

by Closter NJ July 16, 2019


someone who gets a slap in the face from a hand that touched a wet ass

ahh man you just got douched

by tagnew April 7, 2010


A person that thinks everyone else is lower than themselves and is just a giant asshole

Stop fucking being a douche dude

by How not to be a dick June 30, 2018


A douche is a trustee of a family estate who says he's going to file a "stolen property" police report on his sister and brother-in-law for picking up their 80-year-old mother for a fancy birthday dinner in a restaurant.

The douche locked his 17-year-old pregnant niece out of his mother's house in the middle of the night.
The douche decided to charge rent on the paintings hanging on his mother's walls.

by Man Elsewhere April 21, 2017