when your friend talks about cheese.
Person 1: 'yoooo i love cheese'
Person 2: 'yoooo thats actually a pear moment'
Worse than a blonde moment, a temporary lapse of brain cell function where all conceptions of tine and reality disappear
I made plans a month ago with my friend, and just remembered that those plans are right now, oops I had a Norman moment
A Carson Moment is when someone says something (Jokingly or not) pertaining to Grooming, Sexting or anything sexual to do with minors.
The term "Carson Moment" was made after the Youtuber CallMeCarson was accused of Grooming a 16 year old.
Person 1: "I'm gonna go groom some kids now."
Person 2: That's a Carson Moment
Person 1: What?
Person 2: What?
when you have a moment of stupidity, which easily could have been fixed with common sense, or pausing before speaking to think about what you're going to say.
bro 1: what is 2 times 3
bro 2: bro... literal megh moment
when you have a moment of stupidity, which easily could have been fixed with common sense, or pausing before speaking to think about what you're going to say.
teacher: okay guys, so we can find the solution by adding H2O to both sides of the equation.
megh: cant we add H2O to both sides of the equation, professor?
teacher: yes, thats what i just said.
classmate 1: bro... literal megh moment
If you ever find yourself sitting in a room full of your friends, high off your ass with none of them knowing. And you have no clue what's happening around you, but your just vibing. Then you're in A Zachary Moment.
"Sorry I was stuck in A Zachary Moment. Can you start from the top?"
when something is good soup. or when you have the name logan your a slay moment
Example 1
Joe: Did you hear i named my kid logan.
Steve: Oh nice to know you have a slay moment kid.
Example 2
Dropping my phone is a slay moment.