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Kevin J Song

Some tik tok shit that nigga Kevin J listens to.

Yo Kevin J turn that shit Kevin J Song off you makin everyone in the car sad!

by Jon J June 16, 2021


A J-rod is a flamboyant homosexual known to frequent glory holes. The number on the men's room stalls with "for a good time call" will always lead you to a J-rod. J - rod's are also known to have tramp stamps of rainbows, butterflies, etc.

"Man this J-rod keeps following in to the restroom every time I have to take a leak."

by Wolfesucks February 28, 2015

J for J

just for jokes. it can be used in whatever context you want, and can be used to justify pretty much anything

yeah lol i just kissed him j for j, it didn't mean anything

by luccah535 June 22, 2022



*video of someone making a satire video, for example, a quirky girl*

haha so quirky 😐 /j

by your.mother55 June 20, 2021


A tone indicator that shows that someone is joking. It shows that the statement isn't serious and shouldn't be taken as such.

Oliver: if info on splatoon 3 isn't in the next nintendo direct i will break into nintendo /j

by everonaj July 12, 2021


means it is a joke, mostly used in tiktok.

the sun is cold. /j

by Mr Explainer July 9, 2021


A tone indicator used to signify that you are joking, or not taking something seriously.

Your dad: I love you son /j

by Lord.Microwave July 23, 2021