The stuff that Frank makes. It has chilli and onions. It’s delicious but makes you do farts that smell like Satan’s rancid stinkhole.
Man that was da shide. Now I need da shide, before I shide me pants.
Da real GBABY is a wonderful person, who is fine asf , smart asl , and is with all the shits, and nice but don’t test they gangsta
Hey you see that new girl she fine asf
Yeah dats da real GBABY I hear she gang for real
Sentence firstly created in San Silvestro (PE) and broadly became mainstream in Milan, Porta Romana area. ‘Scopi da fermo’ refers to the ability of a male individual to be so attractive for women that he literally doesn’t have to do nothing to receive a kiss from them. A further step, for even braver man is ‘scopare a mezz’aria’ or ‘scopare appesi’, however this conditions may be reached only by few individuals.
‘Oh my god, you scopi da fermo’
‘Hey buddy, I used to scopi da fermo but now I scopo a mezz’aria’
‘Have you ever tried to scopi da fermo? Bro, I scopo appeso’
Someone asks who drives the bus and you get nervous and respond saying in a shaky voice "da bus lady"
1. Katherine who's driving the bus? Da bus lady.
It is located in the northern area of Queensland Australia (aka Townsville). It is a large army orientated town within which many skanky girls go in order to find a desperate and eligable husband who earns a reasonable income.
Mum- " are you coming home for christmas"?
Son- " no mum, i am going to root skanky moles in da ville"
The word da blah is most commonly used in situations that you need to speedily exit from
Mom- “can you take out the trash”