Source Code


rules are made to be broken. nothing else. that's why rules were made. no other reason and if you think so just know that ur mom can't say no, that's why she had you :)

''rules are made to be followed''

*slaps the thing*
''thank you next''

by elainn September 7, 2021


Never having been the kind of person to follow other people's rules than your own isnt giving up on following rules.

Rules are meant for the kinds of people who follow them or behave exactly within them. Most people are human, and know when expectations aren't just making lives difficult, they're not human expectations, people are expecting them to be docile, programmable robots awaiting commands, directions, and instructions because that's what the people expecting them to be that way are when they're not posing as somebody like them, one of them, on their side.

by Solid Mantis August 10, 2020


Rue’s and Jules’ ship name on the HBO show Euphoria.

Daniel: Who are those two girls walking there?
Lexi: They’re Rules.

by cloudberry25 September 21, 2020


They're more like guidelines anyway...

"Rules aren't meant to be followed. Keep to the code."

by ProfessorBowser July 2, 2022


Yeah, she (my mother) took that one and ran to that bank with it didn't she? Bet you're enjoying that aren't you, ya smug, pretentious, clown?

Hym "I how up to work and everyone I see knows who I am and what I'm about. You can't shame me, fraud. That's some female shit. The sexual differentiation isn't looking all that substantial right now..."

Iam "Hey, that's actually a pretty apt description of what's happening! About the peace thing I mean...

Hym "I don't care! And that Exodus 90 shit is some cult shit! Super cult shit! This bitch Mikaila isn't IN the cult. She IS the cult! She's like the Smallville girl! That's how they work, man. They lure you to their jungle compound. Everything seems chill at first but then they start shaving your head. Uh oh! You're the chosen one. And now you're chained up in the 'room of ethereal healing' and Mikhaila is pouring candle wax on your chest. You wake up the next morning and BOOM! you're in a wickerman. There are bees everywhere. They light the statue on fire."

Iam *sigh* "The rule..."

Hym "Ah, yes. And that's what conservatives are known for... 'being likeable.' I would say conservative parenting has an inverse correlation with rearing kids who adopt this conservative ideology. Every devote atheist, every lispy queer, they all seem to have the same backstory. Conservative religious parents. You know the one. I'm just speculating (mind you). Looks like another example of conservatives creating their own problems. And when I spoke about the narcissistic machiavellians I talking about the parent types."

by Hym Iam December 22, 2022


Something only losers use

Hey look, they have rules here, let's go somewhere else, stupid rule followers.

by FrickyFrokbear October 10, 2020

Rule 3074

If it responds with more then 4 y’s it can killed.

“Dude Lily just texted me hey! How should I respond?”

“Did she fallow rule 3074?”

“Shit your Right.”

by Finn the bin April 27, 2021