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* The french word for a shower
* Used for the cleaning of vaginas
* What many people say to one another
* A funny word

* Also see douchebag

"Go use some douche, you stink"
"Your a douche, just kidding!"

by FrenchBrunette5 January 7, 2010


A type of retard...

That guy negotiating his way through the revolving doors is a complete douche... CND

by TheDouchbag January 3, 2022


a person who critisizes other and starts problems with other that they don't actually know. These people usually just judge others based on what they're wearing or the way they look. They think others are douchebags, and don't realize that they are themselves.

Douche: "That black guy is wearing Armani, he is such a douchebag, i bet he stole it and thinks he's cool"
Normal guy: "He's my neighbor. He is actually really nice, works at the grocery for a part-time job while going to university and likes to dress nicely."

by inrialiti February 20, 2011


A person who pisses other people off. A person (usually male) who everyone hates. A name used to insult usually a male.

Did you see Vincent? He is such a douche!

by sparklingwater June 21, 2010


A term used to describe the thorough cleaning of an object.

Person #1: Oh lawdy, what that smell be?!?

Person #2: Son, I think that be yo fridge!!

Person #1: Shit, mang...I best go douche my fridge before that shit grow legs and walk up outta here!

by J~bizzle July 3, 2017


A term of endearment used to express boundless, unbridled, and unconditional love for your friends (and vaginal cavity)

bye, douche

by natsrox1998 April 15, 2017


Brandon Zeidler. Lol. What a bot.

“Hey douche!”
*brandon turns head*
What’s up?”

by OfficialDefinitionsCompany December 18, 2021