Source Code

Brosis Law

The Brosis Law is like the bro code or the girl code. Although the Brosis Law is between a girl and a boy (bro sis). It includes keeping secrets, being the wingman/woman, and helping out in many situations. If someone dishonors the Brosis Law then they have been cursed to being alone for the rest of his/her life.

Nick: You can tell me who you like. I swear to never tell anybody on The Brosis Law.

Meghan: Wow. If you swear on that you can never go back. I guess I can tell you then.

by wildgurl28 March 8, 2015

Share law

What you are allowed to have

We have to follow the share law

by 459395 March 10, 2022

Daizora's Law

The tendency of a single person, usually someone of moderate strength, to attract people either just as strong or stronger than themselves.

Seems like that new rookie bike racer is surrounded by Daizora's Law, he's in a field of Cat 4s and 3s, and he's only Cat 5.

by FSG TRP. No.#46231 March 21, 2024

Lammers' Law

When the face is too far gone you have to hit it from behind.

Amendment 1: You can eat it from behind.
Amendment 2: Reverse cowgirl is fine.

Melissa's face is looking bad so I instituted Lammers' Law. I bent her over and hit it from the back.

by KinkyKoffey November 22, 2024


The lady doth protest to much

'If you can bang up her man....she's single" that's Tyrone's-Law bro

by BlackroseChef January 27, 2024

Larry's Law

All internet discussions regarding video cards or GPUs, given enough time, will decay into a discussion regarding digital currency mining.

Term comes from the user VirtualLarry at the Anandtech GPU forums, and ardent defender of mining digital currency using GPUs. GPU topics involving VirtualLarry would all invariably invite or devolve into discussions about digital currency mining.

"I know this topic is about the performance of the 6600XT, but I have to say that given the cards are out of stock due to miners buying them all up..."

"Ah man, this topic got Larry's Lawed!"

by GodisanAtheist September 7, 2021

Skitty's law

People fall into one of two groups, those who would have sex with a skitty for $10,000, or those who would pay $10,000 to have sex with a skitty.

Skitty's law at play, i know where you'd sit

by rjharringotn September 15, 2017