a way to describe how attractive someone or something is by rating it on a scale of one to ten where 1 being a fucking pig and ten being a extremely hot man or women (usually a woman in most cases).
"How hot do you think that girl is?"
"I would say an (insert number between 1-10 here)."
A super super "addictive" medicine whose trademarks are running out
Dr Kahn prescribed Tylenol 1 and 3 for me I never got
A Vocaloid song that will get stuck in your head when you listen to it many times.
a song naming celebs and Chinese words was 1, 2 Fanclub.
A nitty who has a brother (twinny 2)
Twinny: “ u got 3 for twenty” stop smoking b twinny 1
A high school student without a job who smokes weed, lives off his parents, and plays less than or equal to 2 sports. Typically peaks in high school and have a stupid ass face.
“Look at that fucking burnout #1”
when ur friend emily is so fucking obsessed with harry styles all she does is talk and post about him.
*emily posts harry styles edit on snap*
“damn she’s having a 1 emrection moment!”