Simps live up to 20-24 years 🤧. If your simp of a bf/gf is acting up give them a hug because they won’t have long left 🥲
My boyfriend is such a simp, he won’t leave me alone.
Many people use it when talking about a person who is trying to get someone to fall in love with them and will do anything in there power to do so. If you have any questions just look at nicolette and stephanie I’m sure you’ll get it
"She is a simp for him. She is putting too much attention towards him and is anxiously waiting for a snapchat from him that might never come".
someone who will do anything for a girl and expect nothing in return, he will do as she says, when she says it no questions asked.
Madalitso walked around like a dog on a leash for this hun- he was simping more than she could handle