A scale on how to determine what level a female's Sexiness is.
1-imma puke
2-hell no she ugly as shit
3-she ugly
4-she acceptable
5-she good
7- pretty cute
8-pretty asf
9-sexy as hell
10- DAMN MAMI...what's yo number where you been all my life?
1-10 female attractiveness for ya
It is a rating of when guys rate girls on either they are between super ugly and super hot. 1 is super ugly and 10 is super hot. 2-9 is somewhat ugly to pretty hot.
1-10 Female attractiveness examples.
They girl is a straight 10 man.
That bitch is a 1.
Scale used to tell how good a girls looks. Can be used for rating sex
Damn you see that hella fine girl over there I'd say she a straight eight on the 1-10 female attractiveness scale
A scale that doesn't exist when your drunk
On a scale of 1-10 female attractiveness didn't really matter last night, I was so drunk it didn't matter.
A assistant scale that men use to rate a female. Typically used to rate body type then used to rate the facial features.
Dave: on the 1-10 female attractiveness scale what was your blind date?
Corey: body was at least a 9 and face was a 4 ,man. I couldn't get over her unibrow and huge nose.
The vagina, oftentimes seen as the most desirable Bore on a woman. The vagina is the most pleasing hole, making it top ranked, as Bore 1.
Dude, I i got her pregnant because I came in her Bore 1..