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1. A filthy sewer creature

2. A suitable substitute for asshole

3. An insult

1. " Ugh, that ugly rat's just sitting there, somebody kill it it's staring at me. "

2. " Kelly is such a damn .. rat? "

" Did you just say that like it's a

question? "

3. " Shut up you rat, nobody cares! "

by Lacey the Annoying August 8, 2020


a way of calling somebody fake.

John was a rat because he snitched

by Savage-Dixon February 25, 2019


a person that is either hairy and small or just somebody that annoys you constantly that loves cheese.

ric :im such a rat
chlo : do you like cheese
ric : no
chlo : then ur not a rat

by thatboisus October 19, 2020


an underground society of people who worship their rat god 'Rattius'. They call themselves the rats and have been at war with the mouse clan. For centuries the rat cult has preformed many sacrificial events for their god and continue through to this day. The cult was founded in 15B.C. by Rathula the Third and every year there is an annual crowning of the ruler.

Person 1: Have you heard of the rats?
Person 2: Hasn't everyone? They're vermin!
Person 1: You sound like a mouse! Why you must hail Rattius! Our lord and savior!
Person 2: Tell me more about this Rat society

by dad_phrog July 22, 2021


My stupid ass friend who like to eat shit

“Wow!! Is that your friend rat?”

Me: yeah, she likes to eat.

by BXcana November 17, 2021


some i call my friends all the time

hey wats up rat

by hahaalliye December 18, 2019


A Rat is a smart and clean animal. Dude I’m kidding! They are the complete opposite except hamsters uwu

Eww it’s a rat

by Gogurt is smexy December 28, 2019