My friend JustReal is a Piss baby
"You're a Piss baby" "If you search on urban dictionary you're the definition"
Infant or child made of urine or metaphorically acts like a child made of urine.
person one- Oh, how are you doing today?
person two- Not good. Trevor committed grand larceny last night.
person one- What a piss baby.
A piss baby is a whiny immature person
Jonathan Thomas is a piss baby
A person (typically a female) that prefers the dating preference of all races. It stands for Every beautiful type truly radiates passion; their diverse preference captures vibrant openness.
“Hey after being a snow bunny for years I think I now prefer all races.” “Congrats on joining the equal bohemian tongue tag rat piss troglodyte diverse preference carmel vanilla omni life!”
The act of getting completely bloto and going up to randos and engaging them in conversation.
Let's have another couple of stiff ones before we go to the pub, want to do some serious pissed bothering tonight!
When you need to take a long, satisfying pee you've been holding onto for a long time.
Please note, a monstrous piss is one of the only 2 types of pisses, the other being the 'insurance piss.'
Guy: "Heyo, I see a restroom over there. Hold on, I gotta take a monstrous piss"
Other guy: "Good call, I could use an insurance piss anyway."