A fart that claps them cheeks hard as heck.
Booti slapper sometimes be rippin holes in clothes.
booty scooty is a type of dance performed in a cartoon show called "teen titans" .
People are asked to perform this either as a joke or to make fun of them , people ask them to perform it before helping them or using it as a "payback" or "favour" for helping them .
Althought it can be funny between friends it can also be a form of bully .
friend 1: "hey could u help me with this ?"
friend 2 "u gotta do that booty scootyyyy"
A song from teen titans go where you shake your booty
Do the booty the booty do the booty scooty
Result of having an anus pressed against you.
She booty stamped me last night.
Someone who has undergone the traumatic experience of their booty being burnt off their body. In many cases the booty can never be located again. It is improbable that fat bitches will suffer from such a condition.
Wow that bittie Lauren is one burnt booty.
Today I woke up and my sister came in my room and her breath smelled like hot booty cheese