Source Code

Mass Effect 2

see Gears of War

Mass Effect 2 is a great third person shooter and nothing more.

by AxiomD February 7, 2010

20πŸ‘ 316πŸ‘Ž

Sun Goes Down Effect

A curious effect dealing with the male genitals. When the sun goes down, the penis will grows bigger, and many females will want you in bed.

example of sun goes down effect: when the sun goes down and my dick grows bigga, how many {females} are going to {do} this {person}

by LeRoi February 17, 2007

6πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

The Fat Chick Love Effect

When a guy is nice to a fat (or ugly) chick who is usually ignored or unliked by other guy. The fat chick sees it as the guy liking her and is immediately infatuated with him.

Applies to other situations where someone is ignored, is given attention and then falls in love with the person giving them attention.

Bill: Hey, hows it going?

Fat chick (in head): OMG! He's speaking to me! He must like me! And he's so hot too! I love him!

Bill (in head): Shit! I shouldn't have said anything, I think she's experiencing the fat chick love effect.

by Fitz1001 June 12, 2013

2πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Sacred Volcano Erection Effect

A temporary penile paralysis resulting from extreme sexual bewilderment and association of sacred reverence with female volcanic beauty, spiritual arousal and holy lava

- R: Sorry, just give me a minute...
- N: What’s wrong darlin'? Are you being shy? Does little junior need some help?
- R: Just bewildered by reverence for your inner and outer beauty, suffering from the Sacred Volcano Erection Effect.
- N: Hmm. And how long will that last?
- R: Hopefully as soon as I'm done worshiping the inner beauty.
- N: Pfft.

by Nanochka October 15, 2021

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

amateur porn special effects

This is where skanky teenage girls take nude pictures of themselves in the bathroom mirror with their camera phones and submit the pics to amateur voyeur sites.The special effects come from them using a filthy mirror splattered with zit jism and toothpaste gunk.

I couldn't tell if that chick was hot or not on account of the amateur porn special effects.

by wolfbait51 June 5, 2011

6πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Tyler Moore Effect

The increasing interest in posting nudes,sexting,and nudes theft for public publishing on a computer or website which could lead one to commit such a crime.

"Looks like Josh got the "Tyler Moore Effect" and posted his ex-girlfriend Kimberly on isanyoneup;did you see it?"

by TylerUM January 10, 2012

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

The Olivia Rodrigo effect

People choosing to fill their song buzzwords or corny comparisons and nursery rhymes. These songs are often marketed on TikTok. Causes songs to sound more corporate and cringey. The fact that songs like this exist is often blamed on Olivia Rodrigo.

That song was terrible, it’s proof of the Olivia Rodrigo effect.

by Astroismycorgi December 22, 2022

10πŸ‘ 195πŸ‘Ž