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Mexican uncle

The one person who drinks more than 5 cans of beer per day and room full of porn magazines and is also known as the boracho

Just ask your Mexican friend about Mexican uncle

by Wiki word June 2, 2014

Mexican Car Wash

Spot-cleaning your vehicle with the window squegee provided at the gas pump.

I had some bird poop on my trunk so I removed it with the Mexican car wash.

by theangryvegan May 26, 2019

Mexican bean pie

A citizen of New York with Asperger’s

I’m Mexican bean pie and I know you had a bad day but that’s cool we should play Fortnite

by Osoboro April 14, 2023

mexican pocket

A cavity on your person that can be used as a purpose on concealing money, drugs or usb pendrive.
Named Mexican as it's the border most synonymous with Smuggling goods.

Ricky "I don't know how much I want to bring this in the festival if I got use my Mexican pocket"
Julian: "yeah I don't know how much any of us want this after it's been in you MP"
Holden: "Let's ask Cohleen she has more pockets and wont taint my high and I will be able to look you all in the eyes after this over"

by Crochet.R.E.A.M December 26, 2017

mexican pocket

A cavity on your person that can be used as a purpose on concealing money, drugs or usb pendrive.
Named Mexican as it's the border most anonymous with

Smuggling goods.

Rick "I don't know how much I want to bring this it the festival if I got use my Mexican pocket"
Julian: "yeah I don't know how much any of us want this after it's been in you MP"
Holden: "Let's ask Colleen if she don't mind, as she has 2 pocket one won't taint my high and I will still be able to look you all in the eyes after"

by Crochet.R.E.A.M December 26, 2017

Mexican Gaslight

The individual known as Soli on discord

"Did you actually send him a big black cock!?" - Vicar
"No I sent him MIIIiiiiiiIIIINNNnnnnEEEEEE" - Soli 2022

Typical Mexican Gaslight behavior

by Animica July 23, 2022

mexican night special

when you go to the Beef N Brew in Mapleton, Iowa on a Tuesday night and get the Mexican Night Special (food poisoning inc. for free)

also slang for blowjob

brian: "yo we gotta go to the Beef N Brew for the Mexican Night Speical bro"
alex:"yo i LOVE the mexican night special bro, she was so good at it i forgot that she was a guy"

by April 7, 2022