A person who has sexual intercourse with urine
Why don’t you stick your wee-wee in the toilet you piss-fucker?!
A person who has sexual intercourse with urine.
Yeah. I bet you love dipping your wee-wee in the toilet you piss-fucker!
Another term for eating pussy
Todd gave Samantha a piss kiss last night
so ridiculously pissed that you get greasy.
a hobo dropping his sandwich off a warf.... would be greasily pissed
a girl texting a guy all weekend and not getting any response would be greasily pissed.
1) A pee that takes more than 20 seconds.
2) A pee that is not yellow....it's pretty much transparent.
3) A pee that you've held in for so long that when you finally pee you wanna die because it felt soooo good.
4) A piss that's, well, perfect.
Guy in the bathroom-Fuck yeah!
Guy outside of bathroom-What?
Guy in the bathroom-I got a fuckin' Perfect Piss!
Guy outside of bathroom-Is it still going?
Guy in bathroom-Hell yeah! And it's transparent!
Guy outside of bathroom-Well, alright!!!
Guy in bathroom-I know! And I've been holding it in for sooooo long, too!
^Bam. Definition of a perfect piss, right there^
Lemonade made in your house with piss as the main ingredient. It’s also used when someone made terrible move in party games.
Your answer is totally a cup of homemade piss lemonade
chinese cat on street cat feeders
other names: Impostor Fresh, Mr. Impostor, Mr. Hoax, Mr. Fake, Mr. Brawl, Mr. Jerk, Mr. Pee, Liquid Fresh
Person: I love Mr piss!
Person2: Mr Fresh is better!