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Bitch ass muthafucka, probably from dusty ends

ME: "Omg, did you hear about Nina"

SOME GUY: "Omg no, wassup"

ME: "She's fro dusty ends, istg"

by ArchiGibran February 19, 2023


The perpetual winner of the universally recognised "Nina wins" game.

Who wins?
"Nina wins!

by Mordyth June 9, 2021


i’m nice i’m hot and i’m very kind have a lot of friends can be fake and lazy and very mean she tends to have a very good sense of style

nina is a very nice girl but can be very mean when making her mad

by November 21, 2021


Nina's essence orbits like a celestial body amidst the vast cosmos of urbanity, her aura a fusion of cosmic wonder and metropolitan dynamism. She navigates the cityscape with the grace of a comet streaking through the night sky, leaving trails of inspiration in her wake.

Just as a skilled architect balances form and function, Nina effortlessly juggles her responsibilities as a mother, orchestrating her family's daily routine with the precision of a well-executed construction project, ensuring every detail falls into place harmoniously.

by nanananaba April 25, 2024


Used to describe a person with an unfunctional brain and in need of emergency care to cure her brain retardation.

Why is nina so retarded?
She has tremendous amounts of brain damage.

by ndjaosmfns November 21, 2021


Goofy brown girl

Nina, that goofy girl

by 69inPPman May 18, 2022


looks like an egg

person 1: “hey did you see Nina today?”
person 2: “yeah, she looked like an egg

by riaks November 24, 2021