Not doing anything
Liam: 'What you doing tonight, Ad?'
Adam: 'Bum all just chilling'
AKA #allthehomo, used as a response to those who incorrectly apply "no homo" to the end of a potentially homoerotic statement. EXAMPLE:
First known application was by a twitter user responding to a tweet by Milo Yiannopoulos. Yiannopoulos's tweet had contained a "#nohomo" tag followed by a question mark. Unfortunately, when Twitter later permanently banned Yiannopoulos, they also "salted the Earth" of his presence, removing any and all trace that he had ever existed on the platform by deleting not only all of his tweets but ANY user's tweet that contained mention of him, as well as private messages sent to and FROM other users.
This means we cannot actually verify who the originator of the "#allthehomo" hashtag was (though the guy who wrote this entry SWEARS it was him but I'm also fairly certain he's drunk, so...), the hashtag itself has since been reused hundreds of thousands of times across Twitter alone as well as a host of other social media platforms, often as a humorous means by which to openly disagree with the homophobic nature of a phrase like "no homo" without also sounding like your trying to lecture its user.
"I would like to take our relationship to the next level."
Awkward laughter. "No homo?"
Shakes head. "All the homo."
a. a way of describing one's involvement in a certain situation
b. the most boring play on the planet
a. "Gee wiz! It seems like I've been in the middle of it all"
b. "In The Middle Of It All put me to sleep."
Acronym: AIS
A poker analogy which applies to a one night stand that's dragged out because the girl still hasn't given it up.
The player feels they've invested too much to back out now.
John: What's Doug still doing with that girl? It's been 2 months and he still hasn't sealed the deal.
Mike: He's got classic All in Syndrome, he's spent weeks as her 'boyfriend' and has yet to reap any benefits.
John: That's weak, he needs to man up and cut his losses.
Mike: Agreed.
British. Very similar to 'all to cock'; messed up, not working as it/they should, unreliable.
Sorry I'm late; the trains are all to buggery again.
instead of an all nighter, where as most people fall asleep as soon as morning comes around, an all dayer extends it another 24 hours. This makes it a 48 hour awake period.
Nah man I'm not going to sleep; I gotta pull an all dayer.
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Hawaiian pidgin for: "all nuts" or "all crazy"
Going crazy or getting crazy in some way. Usually in scrapping, surfing, or partying.
Kimo wuz so drunk he wuz getting ALL NUTZ li' dat at da hotel pahty last nite!!
Wotchufaka?!! You trying fo get ALL NUTZ wit me??!
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