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How it do?!?!?!

Can be used as a substitute for any question including why, how, or anything else. Made popular by Captain Jack Sparrow, played by Johnny Depp, in Pirates of the Caribbean.

"How it do?"
"You take the inverse cosine of theta and multiply by 2"

"HOW IT DO?!?!?!?!?!!?!"

by Kenny Eng January 29, 2010

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Ding How

Not sure.. Patti uses this term, don't know why...

Ding how, Ding how..

by Guy down the hall September 18, 2008

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anthony howe

a euphamism for farting

i just anthony howe'd

by ilovepomegranites March 17, 2008

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How to Deal

(N.) A serious contender for "Worse Movie of the Year." Tied with From Justin To Kelly, Kangaroo Jack, and The Hulk. Almost made me quit my hard to get job. (www.thebridgecinema.com/)

Let's all get some Pitchforks and Torches and kill that 40 foot bitch, Mandy Moore! Who's with me? All right! Her next movie is going to be "How to Deal, with an Angry Mob!"

by G-Union July 28, 2003

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How so?

The response to any accusation.

You're a whore.

How so?

You get paid to fuck a thing. That's the definition of the whore.

Oh... You're right. I am a whore. Hopefully, Jack the Ripper is reincarnated and I get chopped up.

Yeah. I hope so too.

by Hym Iam December 4, 2020

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meng how

A person who is gay or single. he usually snitches on you then laugh at you while you cry

Did you see meng how he was a savage.


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hows the hand

greeting to a friend that masterbates far far far to much

me"hey pete hows the hand ?"

pete"not bad still abit stiff though hows yours"

me"mine fine thank you very much and handsfree thanks to the gf"
me "hows the hand?"

pete" not bad switched to my left giving the right a rest it feels like someone else is doing it"

by bigsimmo May 1, 2008

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