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AXE body spray

Axe, or Lynx, is a Unilever-owned brand of men's deodorant, body spray. Popular with teens and desperate adult men who don't have the sense and/or money to buy a quality cologne.

AXE Body spray is complete fecal matter! This vile substance makes me literally physically ill! My room mate sprays on 1/4 of a can every time he uses it. I don't know whats in this "stuff," but I spend the rest of the night with an upset stomach and a headache. Ive told him repeatedly that any woman of class and substance would appreciate a fine cologne. I wish more females would speak up about their dislike of this body spray. It might convince more guys that they smell like vomit while wearing it! Wake up guys! their commercials are a marketing lie! Do you want to convince a female that your worth while? Try a $40 or more cologne, shower, and brushing your grimy teeth and tongue.

by Serious Advice February 20, 2007

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Axe shower gel

A shower gel suppose to have some ingredient to make all girls around you express their "whore gene", a gene located in the X chromosome.

Axe shower gel got me, an weak Asian guy laid.

by Mgccl June 5, 2007

38๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

cervical pick-axe

A penis that is too large for the receiving vagina...it damages the vagina and produces a profuse amount of blood upon withdrawal.

initiates an axe wound.

the opposite of "truck bay"

Phil unleashed his cervical pick-axe last night...do you know how i know?...blood everywhere!

When i broke her in it was cervical pick-axe style...but now i shes a truck bay...a heavy dose of labial whisking happened in between.

by Alzo April 26, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hairy axe wound

Womans vaginal opening. So called because of an obvious likeness to the shape of an axewound in a womans vagina. Can only really apply if the vagina is unkempt and is hairy.

See Cunt or Pussy.

I bust my nut into your mums hairy axe wound last night.


Want me to stick my cock in your hairy axe wound?

by Sparky897 December 22, 2003

82๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

get my axe

The words that Negan says to Rick when we all realize that's Rick is his BITCH

(Throws axe out of R.V) "Get my axe๐Ÿ˜ก"

by Line Up April 28, 2017

hairy ax wound

cunt, vagina, female gentalia

You could see her hairy ax wound under her white pants

by cheekie1969 May 15, 2006

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Ripped Some Axe

Along the Lines of "Ripped Some Ass", The action of spraying axe body spray on yourself. In most situations, this phrase is said in question form.

"Oh my god, what's that smell!? Who just ripped some axe?"

"Sorry bro, My bad".

by JCongo February 26, 2010

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