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Brett Ambler

The actor behind You on Kazoo, possibly the most uncomfortable piece of film ever made. Still an actor to this day, for some reason.

"Hey, I think I just saw Brett Ambler!"
"You mean the kazoo kid?"
"Sure, him."

by Yetch_ January 23, 2022

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to pull a Brett

To shit oneself

"Hi Dave!"
"Hi Alan!"
"I'm afraid I've just had to pull a Brett all over your kids!"
"Don't worry about it, they're piles of Brett anyway"

by Daveomcdaveo2 December 3, 2020

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Brett Kavagnaw

Term of endearment for dog who chews on everything

Hey, who chewed my duvet? Must have been Brett Kavagnaw. Good boy!

by Newton Orchid October 8, 2018

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Brett Kitt

A huge beauty from Canada. Good at hockey and baseball, he is great with all of the ladies. and is going to have a smoking hockey girlfiend named Sarah. He is also very out going and has a loud laugh.

Wow i wish i was a brett kitt

by brett smydth November 28, 2012

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Brett Favre Her

The act of sending a dick picture (via text message) to a female in which you've most likely just met/started talking to, not too long ago. This is an alpha male trait that is only done by the boldest men, who have the confidence, the precise angles, and the kind of soul snatching slammer that no woman could resist. This act is usually done by complete surprise, although a warning which is given in "hint" form is also acceptable. Otherwise you might fall into the category of a creep/weirdo.

This phrase is most often used when speaking to another friend about the new girl he's been telling you about. Its is NOT a phrase that women would OR should know about, and shall not be used in a woman's presence

me : Damnnnnn she's fine bro! Did you even Brett Favre Her yet??
friend : Naw, but im easing her into it a little bit right now. So by the time i get home, i could Brett Favre Her just to add as the finishing touch.

by RowdyRodThatPipesHer March 12, 2017

brett george

a douche who likes to cheat and lie to his girlfriend and mom ! has no respect for women and doesn’t know what love is

have u heard of brett george? he’s a liar and doesn’t deserve anyone.

by realyluzza April 26, 2020

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brett johnson

a 15 you old boy who has boyfriend and he cant keep track of one or the other

like dude look at brett making out with one his boyfriends.

by bigcheetahgirl December 20, 2004

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