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carolina butter churn

your girl is underneath you, then she fellates you, when you reach orgasm, you continue to pump it and churn the ejaculate into "butter".

I pulled a Carolina butter churn then made her spread it on toast and eat it.

by Ruik Truink March 30, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Carolina Tar-heel

Taking a shit while in the shower and stuffing it down the drain with the back of your heel.

Iโ€™m in a hurry to get to the bar. I think Iโ€™m gonna have to give it the old Carolina Tar-heel.

by Randy Fataha March 24, 2019

North Carolina Bomb

A Cheerwine Bomb thrown in North Carolina.

Tom: "I threw a North Carolina Bomb at Jameis Winston the other day."

Will: "He deserved it."

by xHilarious iFunny November 11, 2014

University of North Carolina

Simply the best place on Earth.

"You go to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill? God must love you."

Hark the sound of TarHeel voices
Ringing clear and true
Singing Carolina's praises
Shouting NCU!

Hail to the brightest star of all,
Clear its radiance shine.
Carolina priceless gem,
Recieve all praises thine!

by midnightcantina October 10, 2005

209๐Ÿ‘ 128๐Ÿ‘Ž

western carolina university

A university that is more than you expect it to be and that can only be found in the WHEE. Home of the Catamount, the UC, a badass baseball team, and the colors gold and purple blending together nicely to represent THE Western Carolina University. Oh yeah, and if you're good enough to get onto our marching band that is saying something, since we are one of the best universities for that in the WORLD.

The Carolina Catamount is Western Carolina University.

by Jerica Lee July 25, 2006

155๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž

north carolina peach

when you take a dip of fine chewing tobacco while eating out a girl, proceed to spit into her vagina, keep eating her out and then plow her.

also after you finish plowing her chew spit infested twat u slap her across the head twice before u bust a nut in her face

hey bro, i was plowin quantasia last night and i decide to hang a nice fatty skoal mint and give her the ol' north carolina peach. she loved it!!!!

by ralph cucumber August 17, 2008

66๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

North Carolina State

North Carolina State is a university filled with students who love their school, their teams, and their city. Although stereotyped for having "farmers" and "rednecks", State is home to all kinds of students. Yet, one word to describe them all is loyal. No matter how good or bad the football/basketball/baseball teams are doing, the fans are still there, filling the stands, yelling their loudest. The sky may be "Carolina blue" in chapel hill, but the weather is always fair in Raleigh.

Woody Durham (Carolina radio annoucner) actually said this: And Carolina scores before the half to trail (somebody) by only 14! Cars are turning around on Franklin Street!!!

....never at North Carolina State

by Brandon Stokes November 4, 2005

321๐Ÿ‘ 201๐Ÿ‘Ž