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Crow's Nester

Taking a dump in a urinal in a men's bathroom. This term pays homage to the 'upper decker' of yore. Since the urinals are usually mounted higher than other disposal units in the bathroom, it just makes a lot of sense.

Once, at a marathon, a runner came in to take a Trump/Clinton (your choice) and it was all hands on deck. So he saddled a urinal and gave it a good crow's nester.

by sundansx August 30, 2017

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1. An alternative to today's silly emo trend. Has some values of orginal emo. Takes its name from crows, because they are the most emo brids but also very vicious. For those too violent to be emo.

2. A name for music which you feel you could go crazy to or inspires violent tendancies.

3. Someone who can throw shapes like no one's business, likes to drink (sometimes cider), and will bash you in if angered in any small way. Lethal at a gig. Lashes out for revenge.

1. "Crow-mo is far more exciting than emo, less crying for one."

2. "That fucking tune makes me want to go crow-mo and throw some shapes! IN YOUR FUCKING FACE!"

3. "That crow-mo girl was just drinking cider and then this emo chick bashed into her and now the emo-chick has a bald spot."

by HxCxSxC April 10, 2006

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The Red Crow

AKA the Jimmy Harrison
Can usually be found saying "faaarrrrkk" while in stressing environments

See also "Red Rhino"

I did "the red crow" the other day when my mrs bit my dick while giving me head

by Zaccymac13 December 6, 2015

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Crow's Nest

A Gabber group from San Diego, CA. Themed around Piracy.

I Love Crow's Nest. They make me feel amazing!

by Dave Kern August 26, 2008

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Stone The Crows

Expression used by an old Gypsie Hag in a dream as you are driven in a car past an old dilapidated building. Later in your early teens you lie in bed fully awake and a voice in your head says "Stone The Crows".



(you wonder what that was)

by BorisMcHack October 28, 2004

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Crows Nest

Refers to a condition typically found in older adults in which wrinkles resembling a "Crows Nest" are formed under the eyes. "Crows Nests" can also affect younger adults, most frequently those of south asian decent. In addition to being unsightly, if the condition (Crows Nest) is not treated in its nascent stages, it can severely inhibit ones ability to see.

"Yo, I'm in the mood for an omelet, lets scoop some eggs from that benchode's giant Crows Nest"

by Jazzworld3 January 6, 2010

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Crow rat

A person who spends everyday hanging in crowfoot, either at "crowdons" (crowfoot mcdonalds), or smokin some green behind Tim Hortons.

Kirk Francis is a crow rat! Who would have guessed?

by Rustle my jimmies July 16, 2017

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