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Dance Crush

When you enjoy dancing with someone so much that you always look forward to seeing them every time you go to a dance, you want to dance with them as much as you can, you have fun around them, and their presence or absence can make or break a night of dancing. The feeling is similar to a regular crush without the romance, like a schoolyard crush.

“I have such a dance crush on Mindy!”

“Have you noticed how many of the girls have a dance crush on Alan? I’m jealous!”

by swingout September 24, 2010

friend crush

wanting to be somebodies friend very badly. signs and symptoms include: getting nervous when you see them, wanting to spend lots of platonic time together, getting jealous when they are good friends with somebody else, stalking them on social media, if you have their number you probably make excuses to text it and fantasizing about scenarios where they become your best friend.

i have an immense friend crush on Leo and Charlie. i almost had a heart attack when i found out i have been transferred to Leo's gym class, and die a little whenever charlie posts on snapchat. i could probably talk to either of them, they know who i am, but id probably make a fool of myself while theyre infront of their real friends.

by greenwolf1039 January 29, 2016

193👍 10👎

hardcore crushing

to have a really big crush on someone

person a: he’s super cute, right?

person b: ive been hardcore crushing on him for months!

by galactic.cola February 26, 2018

forever crush

Someone who you will ALWAYS have a crush on. No matter the circumstances, no matter if you two haven't spoken in years, no matter if you're married to another person, etc.

"Yeah I remember _______. They will always be my forever crush."

by d6839 January 25, 2017

40👍 1👎

Period Crush

A temporary crush on a person while on your period.

Person 1: "Do you still like him?"
Person 2: "No, it was just a period crush."

by howaboutyes March 6, 2014

49👍 2👎

Bus Crush

That crush you have on the girl/guy that you see on the bus each day but never talk to. Whether going to school or work, they are the best part of your daily commute.

The biggest obstacle is finding something worthwhile to say and strike up conversation. Plus, there's always a bus full of people to watch you crash and burn if things get awkward.

"Man, there's this gorgeous blond girl that I see on the bus every day. I'm always tempted to talk to her but I'm worried I'm going to look like a douche in front of a busload of people if things don't go well. She's definitely my bus crush."

by Lito8886 March 31, 2010

65👍 3👎

comphet crush

google what comphet is first and then come back.

When a lesbian has a platonic crush on a guy due to their compulsory heterosexuality (comphet). Normally it’s a celebrity or a fictional character who they will never meet and that they know they will never actually have a relationship with.

“oh my god have you seen dylan o’brien??? he’s so hot.”
“wait aren’t you a lesbian tho?”

“yeah he’s just my comphet crush, i would never actually date him”

by kidkwhatname2uselol May 17, 2021

89👍 6👎