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dice of life

Gudjjii's special game that he has clearly made up

"You have to say roll you tit"
"oh, right, roll"
"you get a 1 you have to go for a piss"
"dice of life"

by Wiggatronius October 31, 2013

the dots off his dice

To shoot the dots off his dice or her/their/x dice: A phrase to describe a crazy relative in a dialogue by Rita Mae Brown.

'Somebody shot the dots off his dice.' ~ Kevin Levin, Ben 10 Ultimate Alien

by StEvUgnIn December 30, 2023


When a person is confusing you or acting not normal.

Or looking dumb

Yo you really got me diced...

by SamCom February 16, 2016


When a male nibbles a woman's pussy lip in a dicing motion.

I diced her real well

by sexualarousal;) February 17, 2016


referred to someone who looks fit/good looking

shes so diced

he looks so diced in the outfit

by oak kamb August 19, 2021


to have previously been drunk, high, or fucked up in any way

Bro, you were diced last night

by alexloups November 27, 2017


To violently cut someone with a knife or sharp object. Word is often used by gang members in Saskatchewan

"You wanna get f**kin' diced?!"
"F**k around and youll get diced."

by Ya boy andrew March 2, 2015