Slang term meaning a Dial-up Internet connection. Sometimes used in a teasing manner.
Man, are you still on dilly up!
Slang term meaning a Dial-Up Internet connection.
Dude, are you still using dilly up!
waste time through aimless wandering or indecision.
Don't dilly-dally by the fridge.. get your food and leave.
To avoid doing what you're supposed to be doing.
You're probably dilly-dallying while searching for dilly dally.
It’s just a burger seasoning from grasslands market in Douglas Wyoming tbh.
Did anyone dilly dust these pattys over here.
A man that goes by the name dilly dilly. A sexy half Asian man that’s pee pee is the size of my Xbox 360 controller.
Dilly dilly’s a fucking snack god damn