Stay away from that nightclub, man, it’s full of nothing but asshole fiends.
Someone with a high level of awareness & wisdom in a particular field or fields that you have handy to test products for you and provide critical feedback to help you come to an educated decision
Crack dealers back in the day typically do not partake of their product or a neighboring competitors product to test it's quality.. so they give it to their fiend on the couch
To crave something so much that it takes priority or all other immediate concerns whether biological, physical or social.
"Yo, he fiending for a drink so bad he's actually taking shots of hand sanitizer at work!"
a word maya made for getting super high on halloween
damn maya u really fiending for that nic
the act of vaping or "fiending" on an e-cig, most notably a juul, suorin, novo, etc. The term comes from someone who constantly fiends, or desires, the buzz from a juul or any other e cig that uses the highly addictive nicotine salts.
Bro 1: "Dude can I hit ur juul mines dead"
Bro 2: "Nah"
Bro 2: "Ight dude u need to chill out" *takes a hit*
*Police officer walks into bathroom* "WHAT ARE U BOYS DOING IN HERE??"
People who are obsessed and absolutely love things Korean for example kpop kdrama k-movies kdrama merch
Oh she only watches kdrama and listens to kpop ;she’s such a k-fiend!
People who are obsessed and absolutely love things Korean for example kpop kdrama k-movies kdrama merch
Oh she only watches kdrama and listens to kpop ;she’s such a k-fiend!