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Final Fantasy XII

The only level based RPG that you can beat at minimum levels (known as the 122333 challenge) due to the Firefly accessory (you gain no exp), the gun class of weapons that do the same damage no matter your strength, and the fact that bosses and 'marks' don't give you exp.
Watching this however, can seriously damage your pride.

You: Damn! I can't beat this boss, let me see how to do it online.
Me: pwned at lvl 1 bitches!!!
You(real thinking): Wtf. Amazing
You(hating): He must not have a life, only plays Final Fantasy XII

by RPGbuff October 9, 2009

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Final Fantasy VI

A game for the Super Famicom/ Super Nintendo. It was released by Square Soft in 1993. Known as Final Fantasy III in the US, it has been widely regarded as the best game in the Final Fantasy serise, ans well as one of the best games made for the Super Nintendo. It follows the story of a young girl named Terra, who is half human and half "Esper", a race of magical beings who were thought to have dissapeared a millinea ago. She is brainwashed by the evil "Empire" who plan to use her abilities, and the abilities of Espers to create new war weapons. She encounters an Esper on one of her missions with the Empire, and is struck with amnesia. She is eventually led by Locke, a treasure hunter, to a group known as The Returners, and anti-Empire organization. She then sets out to destroy the Empire who brainwashed her.

Final Fantasy VI is one of the greatest games of all time.

by LockeCole311 April 3, 2004

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Da Final Week

The Last week of ones semester, generally characterized but not limited to:

> Coffee
> Scantrons
> Pencils
> Pens
> Computerized Testing

And etc..

Known to mentally screw wit the best of them, known to make grown dudes cry on the 3rd floor of da lieberry, and also the prime time for a drive-by on a TA. Real talk.

Dude 1: What it do pimpin?
Dude 2: Chillin like a gremlin cuz .. Ey, you wanna get ratchet on Thursday night wit dem fine chics from Room 207???
Dude 1 : Can't bruh...
Dude 2: Maneeeee, that blows! Why not dog???
Dude 2: Dang! Not DA FINAL WEEK!
Dude 1: Yea pimpin.. If you need me you can find me at:

> Da Librareyyy - 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor, 4th floor?
> Up in PJ's Coffee
> Up in CC's
> Up in Starbucks
> At da Help Desk.
> At da Bookstore buyin up mo scantrons and bluebooks.

(Don't forget my pencil wit it!)

Dude 2: Oh, fa sho.. I got you a pen wit it too!
Dude 1: Preciate that mane.

by DeeJay LSU May 14, 2010

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Final Fanboy 7

A title apparantly given to fans of the "Final Fantasy" series who favor the 7th installment above the rest. Has risen about after the frustration caused by the 'overhype' of Final Fantasy 7, a game which partly defined our gamers and gaming (industry) today.

This term was one individual's label for the enormous mass of fans who sometimes ignorantly and obnoxiously plague the internet with thier annoyance while arising arguments from frustarted gamers with opposing views. The difference between a Final Fantasy 7 fan and a Final Fanboy 7 is, in most cases, one-sided ignorance.

Because it was my introduction to the series, and probably because it was the darkest of all the "Final Fantasies" I am a loyal fan to the game(FF7). However, because I am not pron to spam forums with ignorant and one-sided messages such as: Cloud/Sephiroth/Tifa is the Coolest/Hottest FF character EVER!!! I am not a Final Fanboy 7.

by Eric Webb June 22, 2006

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Ohio final boss

The boss you face at the end of the fucking hell that is known as Ohio. This godly level being has powers like no other.

Ohio final boss just unlocked his new power. Made In Ohio!

by Justyouraverageindianjoe December 18, 2022

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Final Fantasy VII

An epic low-fantasy RPG developed and published by Square (now Square Enix), and released for the Sony PlayStation console in 1997.

Frequently cited as one of the best video games of all time, FF7 was lauded for its massive size, depth of story, stunning visuals and unforgettable score, and is widely credited with popularising role playing games in the western world.

The game has since spawned numerous inferior sequels, prequels, remakes and spin-offs, none of which appear to have lessened its god-like reputation amongst enthusiasts.

Final Fantasy VII, the one that redefined gaming as we know it.

by Slimemon March 21, 2017

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Final Fantasy XV

A bachelor party gone horribly wrong.

Did you play Final Fantasy XV?
Yeah man
I cried

by Naoodle Bajhoodle December 26, 2016

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